"The whole trouble is that -- literally -- we do not know what is good for us; and what makes the trouble still worse is that we think we do. We have our own plans for our happiness, and too often we merely regard God as somebody who will help us to accomplish them. The true state of affairs is just the opposite. God has His plans for our happiness, and He is waiting for us to help Him to accomplish them. And let us be quite clear about it: We cannot improve on God's plans." This Tremendous Lover, M. Eugene Boylan, O.C.R.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Welcome back and the Exaltation of the Cross!

This week marks our parish's return to Sunday School!  It is also the celebration of the Exaltation of the Cross this weekend and the focus of this week's lesson.

Class runs from 9:15am to 10am, and I'm going to break up this week's lesson as follows:

9:15     Opening prayers in the Nave
9:20     All children gathered together for welcome back, I will review rules and attendance rewards
9:30     I will introduce today's theme, talking to them about St. Helena being an archaeologist of sorts and invite them to seek out the cross as well.
9:35     Treasure Hunt game!  Before class, I will hide 10 pieces of the story of St. Helena out in our church yard.  Each piece of the story is numbered and has a small cross attached.
9:40     The children will bring in the pieces and read the story of St. Helena to each other.  Each child who found a piece of the story gets to read their own part.
9:50     We'll move into our wrap up and discussion of appropriate church behavior.

That's it!  Simple, but gets them moving around and keeps the lesson interactive!  I'm ready to get going again!

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