Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Pascha (Easter) Lapbook
Lucky for me, Pascha is celebrated for 50 days! So, while for many Easter has come and gone, we Catholics are lucky to continue celebrating! Here is a quick lapbook that I created for my Sunday school kids, I hope you enjoy!
I started with the Troparion for the Feast. I love that the songs we sing in church teach the faith. My kids LOVE to sing this one too, which makes it all the more fun. I printed the troparion in English, Greek, and Arabic. You can print the flip book HERE.
Next, I made a three-fold page. On the outside, it reads "Where, O Death, is your victory? Where, O Death, is your sting?" from Corinthians. Then when you open it, we have the Pascha icon. I set up the page so that you just fold it in half, then fold it in thirds. You can print that page HERE.
At the top center, I have the words from the angel at the tomb, as well as a little coloring page for the children. It is really beautiful and you can print it HERE.
At the bottom of the page, I found a printable book online from this website. This link actually takes you to an entire other set of pieces for a lapbook, but I wasn't crazy about the other parts, so I just used the Easter story book.
On the top of the right flap, I included our Paschal greeting, "Christ is Risen!", as well as the response, "He is truly Risen!" We practice this a lot with the children, as it is used during Liturgy, after Liturgy as we kiss the cross, and also in the social hall. You can print this piece HERE.
I saved my favorite part of the lapbook for last! At the end of Pascha's Liturgy, Father blesses baskets of eggs in our Church. Other Eastern Churches fill their baskets with all the foods they've been fasting from during Lent, such as meats, cheeses, butter (oil), and sweets. In my own family, we have chosen to fill our basket this way for the blessing. It is such a fun tradition! To remind the children of this part of the Liturgy, I made a little basket. Once you have it cut out around the edges, I cut a small slit where the basket would be open. Then, I put glue only on the edges. Then, I cut out all the pieces that we traditionally put in the baskets. You can print this last pieceHERE.
Here's a picture of our basket, plus a few other baskets from the parish!
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